UDC 536.75
Key words: nomenclature of goods, nomenclatural function, damping vector of nomenclature, profit, cost, econometric model, method, algorithm, geometric mean.
For citation: Novikov V. A., Busnyuk N. N. Definition of the nomenclature of goods based on the nomenclatural function. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 121–126 (In Russian). DOI:
When choosing a product strategy, it is important to correctly assess and justify the price and volume of goods sold. As a tool for calculations, you can use the nomenclatural function. The nomenclatural function is the multiplication of the nomenclatural volumes of the considered types of goods. The article proposes a method of definition of commodity classifications (goods nomenclature) based on the nomenclatural function. The advantage of the developed methodology lies in the possibility of the commodity classifications forming even when the profit on every single unit of the goods nomenclature differs. The basis of the method is the definition of a nomenclature as a function of the geometric mean of a set of nomenclatures. That makes possible to determine the gain in the direct proportion to the value of the function of the nomenclature. In addition, it is proposed to take the products of nomenclatures with degrees different from the first, which determines the possibility of a soft or hard process of regulating the launch or introduction of certain product nomenclatures on the market.
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