UDC 80+070

  • Gruzdeva Mariya Aleksandrovna – postgraduate student, the Department of Media Linguistics and Editing of Faculty of Journalism. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: mgruzdeva312@gmail.com

Key words: media discourse, communication, interpretation, discourse interpretation, intralinguistic factors, extralinguistic factors.

For citation: Gruzdeva. M. А. Discourse interpretation of messages in media texts. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (244), pp. 50–55 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6729-2021-249-2-50-55.


The article interprets media discourse as a polytextual structure, where organizes a certain message in media amid intralinguistic patterns and extralinguistic paradigm, which includes non-textual information (presupposition, conditions of emergence and planning, perlocutionary effect, etc.). It is concluded that the interpretative element of communication between the journalist and the recipient is revealed most expressively and accurately in media discourse. The author defines the role of discourse interpretation in the modern addressee-centered model of communication, describes the concept of “interpretation” and its importance in the work of a journalist, considers the factors that affect the final outcome of the interpretative process. The article describes an anthology of communicative risks in the media in the interpretation of messages their creators, traces a linkage between the concepts of “interpretation” and “objectivity” in journalism, analyzes the interpretive fluctuations in the representation of the message in the media. The main types of discourse interpretation according to the method of representation (explicit and implicit) are established on the material of a number of Belarusian media, and identify the intralinguistic (the use of emotional and evaluative vocabulary, the introduction of intertext and verbalization of conceptual units) and extralinguistic methods of interpretive activity of journalists (focusing, emphasis and authorial intentionality).


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