UDC 070(476):087.5

  • Kharytonоva Svеtlana Vyachеslavovna – PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Periodical Press and Web-journalism. Belarusian State University (9, Kalvariyskaya str., 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:


Key words: magazine for children, content structure, value-semantic guidelines, priority topics, axiological components.

For citation: Kharytonova S. V. Children’s magazine “Byarozka” during the periods of radical social transformations of the XX century: value and semantic guidelines. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Printand Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (249), pp. 153–159 (In Russian).DOI:


The purpose of the study is to identify the value and semantic guidelines of the Belarusian magazine “Byarozka” during the periods of radical social transformations in the country in the XX century. Using the methods of content-analytical research and comparative analysis, the author establishes the specifics of the transformation of the content structure of a periodical for children, and also determines the genrethematic means by which its popularity was ensured and the value-semantic context of the life of the younger generation of Belarus was reflected.

The study presents the categories of content analysis as representative, reflecting the dominant thematic and value components of the content of the magazine “Byarozka” for three periods of its publication – 1946, 1984 and 1994.

For the first time, based on the material of the diachronic analysis of the publications of “Byarozki”, the picture of the formation of axiological attitudes by the media among the younger generation of Belarusians at various stages of state development is reproduced. The author reveals the unification of the content of the only Belarusian-language specialized literary and artistic magazine for children and adolescents, as well as the shift of axiological accents in its content.

The scientific novelty of the article is to establish the most pronounced changes in the formation of value orientations of the children's audience by the meaningful means of “Byarozki” for the studied periods in several aspects – educational, state-patriotic, leisure and personality-oriented. New perspectives of the content modeling of the Belarusian magazine for children at the end of the XX century are revealed.


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