UDC 81-25

  • Romanova Anna Mikhaylovna – PhD (Pedagogics), Assistant Professor, the Department of Intercultural Communication and Technical Translation. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: scientific style, cohesion, syllepsis, English language, non-linguistic university.

For citation: Romanova A. M. Practice oriented translation training in non-linguistic universities. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (244), pp. 142–146 (In Russian). DOI:


Training in the translation of scientific and technical literature in a non-linguistic University is practice-oriented and involves mastering various translation strategies, scientific style and logical sequence of presentation of complex material, achieving completeness of presentation in the absence of direct contact with the recipient of speech, terminology in a foreign language and updating this knowledge in the light of changes in the norms of speech in the country of native speakers. The author gives the grammatical features of the scientific and technical style in modern English; the syntactic structure of the scientific and technical text; style-forming factors of English scientific speech; translation strategy. The changes that the English language has undergone over the past twenty years in the process of assimilation of foreigners in England are considered. The article presents specialized websites for translators, taking into account the formal and logical style of presentation of technical English literature. It also describes the features and norms of translation (cohesion, zeugma, translation of borrowings by their definition), the formation of students of non-linguistic higher education institutions of the competencies necessary for practice-oriented translation (academic, speech, technical, information search, contextual or transformational). All stylistic and terminological features of translation, as well as grammatical phenomena, are accompanied by numerous examples in the scientific and technical literature.


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