UDC 028.5

  • Kovalevskaya Natal’ya Ivanovna – Senior Lecturer, the Department of Editing and Publishing Technology. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: semantic reading, semantic reading skills, semantic reading skills, reader's diary.

For citation: Kovalevskaya N. I. Foreign methods of attraction children to read. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (249), pp. 117–125 (In Russian). DOI:


Modern education does not have time to update traditional forms of education against the background of a rapidly developing information society. Classic methods of working with text are losing their appeal. The information space forces us to take a fresh look at the very definition of the meaning of the word “reading”.

The article examines the relevance of the development of semantic reading skills in children, characterizes the skills that make up the skills of semantic reading. Special attention is paid to considering the possibilities of a reader's diary as a means of developing semantic reading skills.

The analysis of printed readers' diaries, developed by the publishing houses “Aversev”, “Eksmo”, “Vysnovy”, “MYTH”, and electronic. A comparative characteristic is given: the structure of editions, tasks, memos, bookmarks are described.

As a recommendation, the concept of a reader's diary is proposed, which combines traditional and non-traditional forms. As a recommendation, the concept of a reader's diary is proposed, which combines traditional and non-traditional forms.


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