UDC 655.535.52:070
Key words: periodical, headline complex, rubric, types of headlines, functions of headlines.
For citation: Zylevich D. P., Konopatskaya A. V. Structure, content and functions of the headline complex of a periodical edition (on the example of the newspaper “Zvyazda”). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (249), pp. 98–103 (In Russian). DOI:
The purpose of the article is the identification and the description of the structure of the headline complex of the sociopolitical Belarusian-language newspaper “Zvyazda”. The authors focus on elements of the headline complex: the heading, subheading, main heading, internal headings, lead, header. There are the main requirements for the headline, its interpretations and the characteristic of the most common structure of the headline complex “Zvyazda”.
The authors of the article give examples of different types of headlines, characterize the elements of the headline complex in terms of volume: the names of headings most often consist of one word, subheadings – of two or three, the main heading is 4–6 words, the subheading is usually longer. Internal headings of materials are also not large. The lead is the largest and the most informative element of the headline complex by volume.
The style of the headline complex of the newspaper “Zvyazda” is neutral, and this, according to the authors of the article, fully corresponds to the intended purpose (sociopolitical publication) and the reader's address of the newspaper (an adult reader interested in the social and political life of the country). The main function of the headline complex of this newspaper is informational. The expressive-evaluative, advertising and persuasion functions are less pronounced.
In conclusion, the authors of the article note that the newspaper “Zvyazda” is a modern periodical edition that develops according to world trends in periodicals. The headlines of various levels that the newspaper uses on its pages form a harmonious headline complex.
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