UDC 070:476(043.3)

  • Chzhao Lyan – PhD student, the Department of Media Theory. Belarusian State University (9, Kalvariyskaya str., 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: communication, media, mediatization, theory of mediatization, mass media.

For citation: Lyan Ch. Actual scientific approaches to modeling the modern concept of the theory of mediatization. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (249), pp. 77–83 (In Russian). DOI:


The invention of photography, electricity, cinema, radio broadcasting, color printing, the first experiments with television – all this at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries led to the development of a complex of communication sciences with the allocation of such a form as mass media. The mass media traditionally includes book and newspaper publishers, news agencies, editorial offices of the press, radio broadcasting, television, film, video, and sound recording companies that have the appropriate material and technical infrastructure.

The article discusses modern approaches to the definition of the terms “media” and “mediatization”. In a comparative context, the author analyzes the views of authoritative researchers on the essence of mediatization, the impact of this process on the development of society and its individual spheres. The state of development of the theory of mediatization in the English and Russian-language scientific discourse, Chinese social science is characterized, the practice of holding scientific conferences, strategically oriented research within the framework of certain programs devoted to the study of the phenomenon of mediatization is described.

Many empirical studies do not have a strong connection with the theory of mediatization. In a word, the theory of mediatization is in the process of rapid development, but its essential understanding is not yet sufficiently defined. And since the beginning of the XXI century, a new stage in the development and systematization of the theory of mediatization has become the practice of holding scientific conferences, strategically oriented research within the framework of certain programs.


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