UDC 070:004.738.5

  • Chabanenko Miroslava Viktorovna – PhD (Social Communications), Assistant Professor, the Department of Journalism. Zaporizhzhia National University (66-a, Zhukovskogo str., 69600, Zaporozhye, Ukraine). E-mail:

Key words: newspapers, magazines, social media, YouTube, content distribution.

For citation: Chabanenko M. V. Use of the possibilities of the YouTube by the print media of Ukraine. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (249), pp. 69–76 (In Russian). DOI:


The article examines the works of researchers of the modern media sphere concerning the processes of cross-media in the aspect of mastering of various channels of content distribution, in particular, social networks, by traditional print media. In their context, the results of own research are presented, aimed at identifying the degree of the presence of printed editions of Ukraine on the YouTube platform.

The activity of 50 YouTube channels related to the print press of Ukraine was analyzed. It was found that the presence of newspapers and magazines on this technical platform is distinguished by a large difference in such indicators as the number of subscribers and the quality of video materials. It was revealed that the combination of four main factors affects the level of effectiveness of using YouTube's capabilities: the desire to engage in a format unusual for the press - video, funding and the availability of the necessary material base, cooperation with other types of media, the correct approach to organizing the publication's activities on YouTube.

Based on a number of examples, it was suggested that editors should perceive the YouTube channel as a separate platform for mass media work that requires specific approaches. The channel should be brightly decorated; videos should correspond to the general nature of the information space of social networks: be catchy, easy to understand, with a strong communicative component; long videos should have a dynamic plot, touch on topical issues. It is also necessary to strive for the adequate quality of shooting and editing materials. The transition of the print press to multimedia, the creation of hybrid methods of production and distribution of media products helps the press to stay in the media market, while maintaining paper versions of publications.


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