UDC 628.39
Key words: risk, water body, quarry, danger, safety, emergency.
For citation: Levkevich V. Ye., Kasperov G. I., Zyazyulya U. V. Applicability of the methods for the assessment of emergency risks at quarry lakes. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246) pp. 306–312 (In Russian).DOI:–312.
The article presents the results of scientific research on task 3.1.33 “To develop integrated parameters for the assessment of quarry lakes impact on quarries operations safety at mining locations” conducted within the subprogram “Scientific support of human, society and state safety and security” of the State Research Program “Informatics and Space, Scientific Basis for Safety and Emergency Control”.
International and domestic experience in the field of the of hazardous facilities (incl. quarry lakes) safety control, includes the development of methods that allow to assess and predict modern hazardous geodynamic processes in quarry lakes, which can lead to risk situations and fatalities. The development of methods for forecasting and modelling these processes intensity and scale with possible risk assessment based on field research data is an urgent and important task.
Various approaches of researchers on the concepts, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the term “risk” and “risk assessment” are presented and analysed. Considering water bodies as complex natural and technical systems, the researchers note that the risk of accidents at such facilities always exists and a certain level of risk is embedded in their safety standards. The authors emphasize that it is important to know what level of risk or safety is acceptable and ensures that the maximum benefit is achieved with the minimum danger.
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