UDC 625.172:625.142.21

  • Neuzorava Alla Bronislavovna − DSc (Engineering), Professor, Professor, the Department of Water Supply, Chemistry and Ecology. Belarusian State University of Transport (34, Kirova str., 246653, Gomel, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: anevzorova@bsut.by

  • Romanenko Viktoriya Vladimirovna − Senior Lecturer of the Department of Design, construction and operation of transport facilities. Belarusian State University of Transport (34, Kirova str., 246653, Gomel, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: vromanenkko@mail.ru

Key words: wooden sleepers, track, standard gauge, curves, bend, rail-sleeper grid.

For citation: Nevzorova A. B., Romanenko V. V. On the feasibility and prospects of using wooden sleepers in curvilinear sections. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (226), pp. 242–249 (In Russian).DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2021-246-31-242–249.


The aim of the work is to analyze the track maintenance of curved sections on wooden sleepers and development of solutions to bring the curves to a position that satisfies the condition pits providing the set speed on the curved track. The task of obtaining reliable and adequate information about the technical condition and distribution of tracks with wooden sleepers is solved using statistical quantitative analysis from open sources of the Belarusian Railway. It was found that 37% of station tracks and 61% of nongeneral use tracks remain on wooden sleepers. The average percentage of worn sleepers over all distances is 13 %. The main defects of wooden sleepers which lead to the track deterioration of curved sections of the railway track, are given. One of the most common faults in the tracks of wooden sleepers is the widening of gauge on curves that the remaking of the adjustment of the track gauge. On the analysis of the passage of rolling stock in the curves are formulated and substantiated the feasibility of using wooden sleepers in curves of small radius (less than 350 m), allowing to provide normative widening the track path to 1530 or 1535 mm or that it is impossible for concrete sleepers. The measures are proposed that allow to bring the deterioration curves track on wooden sleepers to the position that meets the requirements of the regulatory documentation with the greatest efficiency.


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