UDC 630*562
Key words: average increase, losses, cutting of the main use, planning of cutting, cutting plan.
For citation: Mashkovsky V. P., Zorin V. P., Sevruk P. V. Average increase of timber cost different species in Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 12–17 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2021-246-2-12–17.
The use of the average increase in the planning of cutting will allow us to determine a clear order of receipt of stands in the cutting of the main use, since it is the basis for determining the forest maturity. The dynamics of the average increase of timber cost of pine, oak, birch, and aspen wood was studied based on the data of the dynamics of the taxation value of modal stands of V. F. Baginsky and black alder according to the growth tables of normal stands of V. F. Baginsky and F. P. Moiseenko. As a result of the regression analysis, the best equations describing this dynamics are selected- a polynomial of the third degree and hyperbolas of the third and fourth order. The correlation coefficients of the equations for pine are in the range from 0.99 to 0.98; for oak – from 0.99 to 0.97; for soft-leaved species – from 0.99 to 0.80. The value of the Fisher criterion for all equations is higher than its critical value.
With the use of the obtained equations of communication within the framework of the algorithm of the forest management planning process, the calculation of losses in the cost of wood from late delivery of all species of the stand in the cutting of the main use is performed. All losses as a whole for the stand are summed up, and the minimum value of losses is shown at the optimal moment of entering the cutting.
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