UDC 947.6.«1917»
Key words: revolution, the seizure of land, the agrarian question.
For citation: Ryzhankou I. M. Agrarian movement in Belarus in the future solving the land issue (september – october 1917). Proceeding of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 42–46 (In Belarusian). DOI:
The article highlights the agrarian movement in the Belarusian provinces at the stage of aggravation of the revolutionary events that swept Russia in the autumn of 1917. The author notes that from September to October, the number of peasant demonstrations increases. A number of land, food, and even government – volost committees helped the peasants to improve their property status at the expense of landlords and state property. The conflicts that arose as a result of their activities between the interested parties, as a rule, ended in favor of the local peasant societies. In comparison with other regions of Russia, the peasants of the Belarusian provinces were satisfied with the legal, semi-legal and sometimes spontaneous nature of the movement Against owners, landlords, tenants in the struggle for improving their property condition. The pogrom movement in Belarus has not acquired sufficient strength and, most importantly, has not acquired an anti-violent character. Criminal acts of robbery were usually initiated by deserters and these facts were subject to investigation. The peasants did not consider the pogroms of the estates as the main means of solving their economic needs. It is no coincidence that all of them took an active part in the election of deputies to the Constituent Assembly, hoping for a solution to the agrarian issue legally, and not by force.
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