UDC 322+261.6
Key words: denomination, modernism, social doctrine, missionary work, ecumenism, globalization, traditionalism.
For citation: Gridchin A. V. Concepts of civilization differences of Christian confessions in modern Catholic and Protestant discourses. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 175–180 (In Russian). DOI:
The article examines the socio-philosophical concepts of the relationship of Christian confessions with the state in the context of current socio-political and ideological challenges. As an example, the idea of ecumenism is given as one of the forms of manifestation of globalization in the religious sphere. The conceptual foundations of the traditionalist and modernist strategies of the world Christian confessions are revealed. It also characterizes the relationship of Western, mostly modernist, Christianity to the Eastern, as the traditionalist pole of the Christian religion.
In this regard, the author revises the ideological heritage of Max Weber in the context of the CatholicProtestant discourse. A number of researchers of a philosophical and sociological orientation, based on the ideas of Max Weber, whose conceptual views determine the main civilizational programs that make up the paradigmatic space of Western Christianity, are considered. The author identifies three main approaches: the advantage of Protestantism, both over Catholicism and over Orthodoxy; the superiority of Catholicism over other confessions; and a moderate approach that involves the unification of Catholicism and Protestantism as branches of a single Western Christian tree. The study focuses on the socio-philosophical aspects of the essential differences between the main Christian confessions at the present stage of the sociodynamics of culture.
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