UDC 94(476)

  • Andarala Igar Alexandrovich – PhD (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Belarus and Political Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: education, school, educational and material base, teaching staff, general education.

For citation: Andarala I. A. Secondary educational school of Belarus the first post-war years. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 85–90 (In Belarusian). DOI:


The war and the occupation of the territory of Belarus by the German invaders caused great damage to the system of general secondary education of the republic. Significant efforts of the partySoviet leadership of all levels, educational bodies and the entire population of the republic were needed to raise the war-torn secondary school from ruins and ashes. In this article, the author analyzes the state of secondary schools in the first postwar years, focusing on the problems of construction and repair of school buildings, restoration of the school network, growth of the student body, provision of schools personnel compliance with the law on omniscience.

The analysis of archival materials gives grounds to state that the restoration of the secondary school in the first postwar years was considered by the party-Soviet leadership of the republic as the most important state task of political, economic and cultural significance. Historical facts show that in the first postwar years the district party-Soviet bodies, district and city departments of public education, the public, teachers and students did much to restore the normal operation of secondary schools, but the construction and repair of schools, their logistics, universally, the provision of schools with teaching staff remained relevant and demanded a solution.


  1. Andarala I. A. Restoration of school education in Belarus in 1943–1945. Vesti BDPU [Bulletin of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University], series 2, 2020, no. 2, pp. 12–17 (In Belarusian).
  2. National Archives of Republic of Belarus (NARB). Fund 42п. I. 6. F. 5.
  3. NARB. Fund 4п. I. 17. F. 43.
  4. NARB. Fund 42п. I. 6. F. 5.
  5. NARB. Fund 4п. I. 17. F. 40.
  6. NARB. Fund 4п. I. 17. F. 102.