UDC 330.5

  • Dolinina Tatyana Nikolaevna – PhD (Economics), Аssociate Professor, Professor, the Department of Enterprise Economy and Management. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: complexity of labor, labor remuneration, model, social and labor rent, wages, functionalrent structure.

For citation: Dolinina T. N. Formation of the firm pay model in the context of the concept of social and labor rent. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 1 (244), pp. 41–47 (In Russian). DOI:


The article presents the theoretical foundations for the construction of an firm model of labor remuneration, allowing to formalize this process. As a basis for building an model of labor remuneration, a labor complexity matrix is proposed, according to which labor is subdivided, on the one hand, into unskilled, skilled and highly qualified, on the other hand, into reproducible and unique. The labor complexity matrix made it possible to form a complementary matrix of types of labor remuneration, depending on its complexity, according to which standardized labor remuneration with a minimum number of elements is advisable for the contingent of unskilled workers, for qualified workers – individualized labor remuneration linked to labor results (workers' merits) , for highly skilled and skilled workers, whose work is unique in terms of complexity, responsibility, effort and other features – personalized or moderately personalized labor remuneration.

Further, on the basis of the author's concept of social and labor rent, a functional-rent structure of wages has been developed for various types of labor remuneration with balance linkages of its elements. It allows you to construct a firm model of labor remuneration and determine its parameters based on the distribution of the wage fund by types of key payments that implement the functions of the remuneration process.


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