UDC 339.13.024

  • Khoroshun Nikоlai Vladimirovich – Master of Economics, Master of Engineering. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: national market of alcohol, raw materials supply, production capacity, consumer demand, marketing.

For citation: Khoroshun N. V. Analysis of the market situation and development of the market of the wine industry of the Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 1 (244), pр. 151–162 (In Russian). DOI:


The article includes an analysis of the data describing the features of the formation, current state and development of the market conditions of business entities of the wine industry of the Republic of Belarus. The food industry of the Republic of Belarus includes more than 40 specialized industries, sub-sectors and individual industries, including the alcohol and wine industries. At the same time, the alcohol industry is one of the most significant budget-forming components in the republic.

The article shows the priority directions of development of the wine industry and alcoholic beverages of the Republic of Belarus, which also include national winemaking, based on the use of local raw materials and the purchase of imported wine materials, cognac spirits of various ages, etc. The article descrybes the state and development trends of the national raw material base for the wine industry. The data on the development of production wine-making capacities of the enterprises of the industry are given. Data on the demand and consumption of certain alcoholic beverages in the Republic of Belarus are also provided.

The article describes the methods of regulation of the wine industry, aimed at achieving optimal parameters of its development. The peculiarity of the formation of the market of the wine industry of the Republic of Belarus is revealed, which is expressed in balancing the interests of the state, the producer, sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Based on the analysis of the given digital data, the directions for improving the work of the national market of alcoholic beverages are proposed.


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