UDC 630*6

  • Tsvirkov Vladimir Vitalievich – PhD (Agricultural), Leading Researcher, the Department of Economics of the Agroindustrial Complex and Forestry. NIEI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus (1, Slavinskogo, building 1, 220086, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Kasko Lyudmila Ivanovna – Researcher, the Department of Public Administration and Regulation of Property Relations. NIEI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus (1, Slavinskogo, building 1, 220086, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Karashchuk Marina Nikolayevna – Junior Researcher, the Department of Economics of Agroindustrial Complex and Forestry. NIEI of the Republic of Belarus (1, Slavinskogo, building 1, 220086, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: reforestation, afforestation, forestry complex, woodworking industry, forestry management, efficiency of the management system.

For citation: Tsvirkov V. V., Kasko L. I., Karashchuk M. N. International experience in management forestry complex. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 1 (244), pp. 130–138 (In Russian). DOI:


The article offers a general overview of the experience of managing the timber industry complex in the countries of North America, the EU and in the countries of the post-Soviet space. The Government of the Republic of Belarus has set the task of working out an agreed decision on the centralization of forestry and woodworking industry management, taking into account international experience and economic efficiency.

Based on the analysis carried out by the authors of the work of the timber industry complex in the USA, Canada, the EU, the EAEU, Ukraine and Georgia, one can see that there is no centralization of forestry and wood processing industry management in any of the countries we analyzed. The efficiency of the forest management system in these countries lies in the fact that it does not affect the development of the woodworking industry.

On the issues of forestry management, the state has established sectoral departments under the Ministries of Agriculture - the USA, Latvia, Germany, Norway, under the Ministries in the field of environmental protection - Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, in Sweden - under the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, in Finland has sectoral forestry management bodies under the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment.

In the wood processing industry in the USA, Canada and in the European Union mills, there is no independent, separate body for centralized management of the industry.

Analysis of the management systems of forestry complexes of the EAEU countries, Ukraine, Georgia indicates their similarity. In all countries, the authority to manage forestry is vested in the Ministries of the Environment, Natural Resources and Ecology. General management, management and coordination of the activities of participants in the woodworking industry in Russia is assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in Kazakhstan - to the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development.


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