UDC 659.126

  • Kolik Aliaksei Valentinovich – Senior Lecturer, the Department of Communication Technology and Public Relations of the Faculty of Journalism. Belarusian State University (9, Kalvariyskaya str., 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: brand, food brands, communication, media communication, “new media”, the Internet.

For citation: Kolik A. V. Media communication of Belarusian food brands (based on “new media” materials). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 1 (243), pp. 40–46 (In Russian).DOI:


The media communication of Belarusian food brands in the “new media” in the period from April to August 2020 was investigated. Existing approaches to the concept of “new media” are considered. The influence of “new media” on the development of media communication of food brands is analyzed. The “new media” in which food brands place their informational messages for the target audience have been identified. The role of the Internet in the media communication of food brands has been investigated. The monitoring of corporate Internet sites of enterprises owning the leading brands of the Republic of Belarus, as well as social networks, which are a platform for brand communication, was carried out. Sectoral, information portals, websites of ministries and departments, and other organizations were identified where information messages of Belarusian food brands are posted. The practical significance of the work is related to the study of the experience of media communication of Belarusian food brands.


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