UDC 070:004.738.5

  • Zueva Galina Sergeevna – PhD (Philology), Senior Lecturer, the Department of Journalism. Penza State University (40, Krasnaya str., 440026, Penza, Russian Federation). E-mail:

Key words: infographic, internet-media, TASS Russian News Agency, gamification, immersive journalism.

For citation: Zueva G. S. Infographics in the TASS Russian News Agency: formats, aims and functions. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no 1, pp. 34–39 (In Russian). DOI:


Now infographic is remaining to be one of the most relevant media formats in media practice. This paper studies contemporary multimedia projects by TASS Russian News Agency (2019–2020). The author draws conclusions about functional expansion of infographic as a method of data-visualization in internet-media, giving special attention to marking the role of interactive infographic in creating the media strategies, that can inspire everyone to read longreads and work with them. Also in this article infographic is studied as a gamification element in internet-media and as a tool of immersive journalism. The analysis of TASS publications is accompanied by case studies. An assessment of the quality of infographics based on the following criteria: information value, readability, design, relevance, visualization method and using of interactive possibilities.


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