UDC :070:004.738.5

  • Lushchinskaya Ol’ga Vladimirovna – PhD (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of International Journalism, Faculty of Journalism. Belarusian State University (4, Ave. Nezavisimosti, Minsk, 220030, the Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: convergent media, media discourse, discourse of convergent media, Belarusian internetportal, discourse practice, discourse categories.

For citation: Luschinskaya O. V. Representation of discourse categories in the content of convergent media (on the example of the portal // Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no 1 (243), pp. 20–26 (In Russian). DOI:


The article considers convergent media as a constituent part of media discourse. As an example of these media the Belarusian internet-portal of the Publishing house “Zviazda” is researched. The notions of media discourse and the discourse of convergent media are defined. It is stated that the portal content realizes different discourse practices taking into consideration their subject-subject (participants of communication and their relations with each other) and subject-object (with what participants interact and how they treat it) relations, which are reflected by means of definite discourse categories related to intra- and extralinguistic parameters. A discourse practice reveals a separate communicative situation which is conveyed through the event covered by a journalist.

The analysis is carried out on the basis of such discourse categories as audience, communicative purpose, self-identification, time, space, intertextuality, intereventness, intersubjectivity, as well as stylistic range. The author provides examples from media texts which demonstrate the representation of a particular discourse category in their content. It is also stated that the publications of the analysed internetportal possess such text characteristics as integrity, coherence (including hypertext coherence), consistency and completeness. As a non-verbal component photos are mainly used. This fact demonstrates that the phenomenon of creolization is common to these media.


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