UDC 070:004.738.5

  • Hradziushka Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – PhD (Philology), Assistant Professor, the Department of Periodical Press and Web Journalism. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: media space, Instagram, TikTok, digital technologies, audience, alternative media, journalism.

For citation: Hradziushka А. А. Instagram and TikTok platforms in digital space: a comparative aspect. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 1 (243), pp. 12–19 (In Russian). DOI:


The article examines the place and role of the Instagram and TikTok platforms in the media space of the Republic of Belarus. The scientific significance of the study is due to the growing role of social media in the system of mass communications. In the course of the analysis, a selection and systematization of Internet sites in the segment of classical and alternative media was carried out in terms of audience engagement. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of statistical data on the audience of the largest Belarusian accounts on Instagram and TikTok. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the influence of these Internet sites on the development of the country's media space is growing. The author comes to the conclusion that the Instagram application is quite well mastered by the Belarusian media, while the TikTok platform is primarily a place for experiments.


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