UDC 663.969+663.954
Keywords: phytotea, vegetable raw materials, component composition, properties, production technology.
For citation: Klintsevich V. N., Bushkevich N. V., Flyurik Е. А. Phytotea: composition, properties, production (review). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 5–23 (In Russian). DOI:
The developments described in this review are related to the food industry, in particular to the production of plant-based beverages. In the modern world, there has been a growing trend towards the consumption of flavored teas, as well as flavored herbal and fruit teas. The main reason for this interest to phytotea is the population’s striving for a healthy lifestyle. The number of old recipes, as well as modern compositions made in this segment is huge. However, each new recipe complements and enriches the line of phytotea, based on plant materials, rich in various biologically active substances. That is why phytotea has antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory properties, improves the metabolism, helps to ma-nage one’s weight, shows bactericidal power, has tonic, anti-ulcerogenic, restorative, adaptogenic, antispasmodic, expectorative, wound healing effects, etc.
Each composition has a number of special properties. However, it can be noted that all developments are aimed at renewing the proper food culture, as well as expanding the range of tea products. In addition, much attention is currently being paid to simplifying the technological process for the production of phytotea, which is why a number of patents are devoted to describing various methods of processing raw materials, increasing the yield of extractives in the infusion, and also packaging the product.
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