UDC 630*114:630*174.754:630*221.411
Key words: regeneration felling, pinery, field layer.
For citation: Prishchepov A. A., Labokha K. V. Changes in the field layer of Pinetum pleuroziosum after the first reception of regeneration felling. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources , 2021, no. 1 (240), pp. 20–25 (In Russian). DOI:
To carrying out of research seven trial plots were laid in the forest fund of the Begoml Forestry, the Vileika Experimental Forestry, the Pukhovichi Forestry and the Ivye Forestry in the areas where the first reception of regeneration felling was carried out. On each trial plot, 25 discount areas 1×1 m in size were laid, on which all species of plants were counted along the grass-shrub and moss-lichen layers. For each species, projective cover and occurrence rate were determined.
In the office environment for field layer, such statistical indicators as species richness, species saturation and Simpson’s index were calculated in order to establish their dependence on the limitation period of the regeneration felling.
It was found that with an increase in the limitation period of regeneration felling, the indicator of species saturation gradually decreases over 6–7 years, and in the field layer there is a shift from equal shares of all species to the dominance of one or several species.
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