Volume 193
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU Issue 2 No.1 - Chemical engineering, biotechnologies, geoecology
Synthesis of 1-(6-methoxynaphthalen2-yl)ethan-1-one by Friedel – Crafts acylation of nerolins 5–9 UDC 678.073.02 Arol Aliaksandr Stanislavavich, Mikhalyonok Sergei Georgievich, |
Vegetable oils’ stability to oxidation in new functional fatty products development 10–14 UDC 664.34:637.144 |
Innovational wound dressing with chitosan nanofibers 15–22 UDC 677.494 Prokopchuk Nikolay Romanovich, |
Comparative analysis of tetrapyrrolic macrocycle structure of tri-, tetra- and undecasubstituted free base corroles 23–28 UDC 535.37+541.65+543.4 |
Study of spectrophotometric conduct of Bjorkman lignin in alkaline solutions 29–34 UDC 547.992.3 Nestserova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Alekseev Anatoliy Dmitrievich, |
Research of influence of various carbon black types on technical properties of rubbers 35–40 UDC 678.032 |
Deep complex conversion of crude turpentine pines of ordinary PINUS SILVESTRIS L. 41–53 UDC 665.947.2, 665.947.828 |
Development of method of filler retention in the newsprint composition while using auxiliary chemicals 54–58 UDC 676.222:676.024.7 Zholnerovich Natal’ya Viktorovna, |
The estimation of the method of gas chromatography determination of toxic components in waterethanol mixtures by with ethanol as internal standard 59–63 UDC 543.544.45 |
The study of solutions stability of polyamide resin based on succinic acid and diethylenetriamine modified rosin resin acids aminoamides 64–67 UDC 542.91-035.848 |
Intesification of free convection in a single row finned bunch in air cooler heat exchangers 68–74 UDC 536.24 |
Thermal insulation ceramic materials based on belarusian raw kaolin and utilizable foaming agent 75–80 UDC 666.766:[666.321+614.842.615] |
The method of calculation of radial and circumferential loads in a gear drive of planetary mill 81–86 UDC 621.926 Vaytekhovich Petr Yevgen’yevich, |
Optimization design elements forced draft machinegrinding is classified unit 87–92 UDC 621.926 Frantskevich Vitaliy Stanislavovich, |
Technology of biologics for the protection of forests on the basis of mushroom PHLEBIOPSIS GIGANTEA with deep cultivation on alcohol stillage 93–97 UDC 630*411:636.087.24 |
The influence of liquid extracion conditions on the isolation of ferulic acid from sugar beet pulp 98–101 UDC 542.61:547.9:663.543 |
Reagentless decontamination and biosafety control of waste water sediments 102–105 UDC 628.356+574.64 |
The phosphates removal from side-streams of wastewater treatment plants by burned dolomite 106–113 UDC 628.316:54:666.962.3 |
Calculating procedure for discharge capacity of open-type coast spillways for ensuring of environmental safety during disastrous floods and high waters 114–119 UDC 550.76:574:627.834 |
An analysis and estimation of nature protection measures and indexes of efficiency of guard of environment is in the developed countries of the world (in Russia and Belarus) 120–126 UDC [550.7:574+502.131+502.171](470+571)(476) |