Volume 193

Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU Issue 2 No.1 - Chemical engineering, biotechnologies, geoecology

Synthesis of 1-(6-methoxynaphthalen2-yl)ethan-1-one by Friedel – Crafts acylation of nerolins 5–9

UDC 678.073.02

Arol Aliaksandr Stanislavavich,

Mikhalyonok Sergei Georgievich,

Bezborodov Vladimir Styapanavich


Vegetable oils’ stability to oxidation in new functional fatty products development 10–14

UDC 664.34:637.144

Lamotkin Sergey Aleksandrovich,

Il’ina Galina Nikolaevna


Innovational wound dressing with chitosan nanofibers 15–22

UDC 677.494

Prokopchuk Nikolay Romanovich,

Melamed Vladimir Dmitievich,

Prishchepenko Dmitriy Viktorovich


Comparative analysis of tetrapyrrolic macrocycle structure of tri-, tetra- and undecasubstituted free base corroles 23–28

UDC 535.37+541.65+543.4

Klenitsky Dmitry Vikentievich,

Kruk Mikalai Mikalaevich,

Maes Wouter


Study of spectrophotometric conduct of Bjorkman lignin in alkaline solutions 29–34

UDC 547.992.3

Zil’bergleyt Mark Aronovich,

Shauchuk Mikhail Alegavich,

Nestserova Svetlana Vladimirovna,

Alekseev Anatoliy Dmitrievich,

Fleysher Vyacheslav Leonidovich


Research of influence of various carbon black types on technical properties of rubbers 35–40

UDC 678.032

Uss Elena Petrovna,

Shashok Zhanna Stanislavovna,

Prokopchuk Nikolay Romanovich


Deep complex conversion of crude turpentine pines of ordinary PINUS SILVESTRIS L. 41–53

UDC 665.947.2, 665.947.828

Klyuev Andrey Yur’yevich,

Prokopchuk Nikolay Romanovich


Development of method of filler retention in the newsprint composition while using auxiliary chemicals 54–58

UDC 676.222:676.024.7

Vorobiov Anton Dmitrievich,

Zholnerovich Natal’ya Viktorovna,

Nikolaichik Irina Vladimirovna,

Chernaya Natal’ya Viktorovna


The estimation of the method of gas chromatography determination of toxic components in waterethanol mixtures by with ethanol as internal standard 59–63

UDC 543.544.45

Charapitsa Siarhei Vyacheslavovich,

Sytova Svetlana Nikolaevna,

Korban Anton Leonidovich,

Zayats Natalia Ivanovna,

Stasevich Ol’ga Victorovna,

Vetokhin Siarhei Sergeevich


The study of solutions stability of polyamide resin based on succinic acid and diethylenetriamine modified rosin resin acids aminoamides 64–67

UDC 542.91-035.848

Andrukhova Marina Valerievna,

Fleisher Vyacheslav Leonidovich


Intesification of free convection in a single row finned bunch in air cooler heat exchangers 68–74

UDC 536.24

Sukhotskii Albert Borisovicz,

Sidorik Galina Sergeevna


Thermal insulation ceramic materials based on belarusian raw kaolin and utilizable foaming agent 75–80

UDC 666.766:[666.321+614.842.615]

Dyatlova Evgeniya Mihailovna,

Popov Rostislav Yur’evich,

Bohdan Ekaterina Olegovna,

Klimosh Yurii Aleksandrovich,

Sergievich Olga Aleksandrovna,

Navrotsky Oleg Dmitrievich


The method of calculation of radial and circumferential loads in a gear drive of planetary mill 81–86

UDC 621.926

Vaytekhovich Petr Yevgen’yevich,

Borovskiy Denis Nikolaevich,

Ilyashenko Egor Olegovich,

Gerasimchik Sergey Anatol’yevich


Optimization design elements forced draft machinegrinding is classified unit 87–92

UDC 621.926

Frantskevich Vitaliy Stanislavovich,

Dorogokupets Alexey Sergeevich


Technology of biologics for the protection of forests on the basis of mushroom PHLEBIOPSIS GIGANTEA with deep cultivation on alcohol stillage 93–97

UDC 630*411:636.087.24

Kuznetsov Il’ya Nikolaevich,

Ruchay Nikolay Stepanovich


The influence of liquid extracion conditions on the isolation of ferulic acid from sugar beet pulp 98–101

UDC 542.61:547.9:663.543

Brushko Nikolai Vladimirovich,

Feskova Alena,

Stasevich Ol’ga Victorovna


Reagentless decontamination and biosafety control of waste water sediments 102–105

UDC 628.356+574.64

Ignatenko Arkadiy Vasil’yevich


The phosphates removal from side-streams of wastewater treatment plants by burned dolomite 106–113

UDC 628.316:54:666.962.3

Sapon Yehor Gennadievich,

Martsul Vladimir Nicalaevich


Calculating procedure for discharge capacity of open-type coast spillways for ensuring of environmental safety during disastrous floods and high waters 114–119

UDC 550.76:574:627.834

Voitau Ihar Vital’evich


An analysis and estimation of nature protection measures and indexes of efficiency of guard of environment is in the developed countries of the world (in Russia and Belarus) 120–126

UDC [550.7:574+502.131+502.171](470+571)(476)

Voitau Ihar Vital’evich
