Volume 189
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU No.7 - Economics and Management
Contribution of university scholars to the sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus 5–8 UDC 001.891:378.12 |
Institutional model of state regulation of remuneration 9–13 UDC 331.2 |
Welfare for all: development distribution relations in Belarus 14–18 UDC 331.2 |
Methods of promotion results of intellectual activity to the market 19–24 UDC 347.77.043 |
Evaluation of scientific and technical and economic importance of intellectual property objects 25–32 UDC 657.421.32 |
Aspects of innovation development in timber industry complex of Belarus 33–37 UDC 630*618(043.3) |
Business ecosystems as a form of cluster development 38–43 UDC 65.01:334.021 |
Non-tariff methods of regulation and their influence on development of mutual trade in the conditions of Eurasion Economic Union 44–48 UDC 339.13.025.4:339.5:339.923(4/5) |
Rubles management and monetary savings of individuals in modern conditions 49–54 UDC 336.71:347.759 |
Attracting foreign investment in the development of joint enterprise Belarus 55–60 UDC 336.714+339.732 (476) |
Statistical analysis of the participation of joint ventures in foreign trade of Belarus 61–66 UDC 336.714+339.732 (476) |
Approaches to increase the capitalization of the real sector enterprises 67–71 UDC 658.14 |
Problems and prospects of business development among youth 72–76 UDC 346.26 |
Economic rationale for expansion of participation of the republic of Belarus companies in the market for testing and certification autocomponents 77–81 UDC 658 (476) Kasperovich Sergey Antonovich, |
Economic efficiency of heat and electricity generation from burning wood fuel 82–86 UDC 620.95:662.638 |
The main directions and principles of improving of the theoretical and methodological support of applied economics 87–92 UDC 338.1 |
Optimization of labour potential as determining factor of increasing labour productivity 93–97 UDC 539.213.2 Meshcheryakova Yelena Valentinovna, |
Sustainablity assessment of the development of an ecologically oriented region 98–102 UDC 502.131(1-751.2)(476) Neverov Alexander Vasilyevich, |
Royal Problem of financial management and its decision 103–107 UDC 338.364 |
Privatization and public-private partnership as a base of competitiveness of enterprises and national economies 108–112 UDC 338. |
Foreign experience of payment systems application 113–116 UDC 331.23 |
Theoretical aspects of quasi-integration structures functioning 117–122 UDC 339.92:005 Usevich Viktoriya Anatol’yevna, |
Scientific and methodological bases of development of ecosystem services in Republic of Belarus in the long prospect 123–129 UDC 502.1:338(476) |
Labour market as a social dimension of the “green” economy of the republic of Belarus 130–134 UDC 331.526 |
Methodical approach to the assessment of the sustainable development of silvicultural establishments on the territory of radioactive pollution 135–139 UDC 630.6:630.181.29:581.5(476.2) |
Ecological and economic approaches to the establishment of felling ages in modern conditions 140–145 UDC 630*9 |
Ecological-economic assessment of аnthropogenic transformation of natural landscapes (on the example of Gomel interfluve) 146–151 UDC 911.52(476.2):504.61 Neverov Aleksandr Vasil’yevich, |
Methodological aspects of economic evaluation in resource saving efficiency with ecological factor 152–157 UDC 338.22.021.4 Neverov Aleksandr Vasil’yevich, |
Climate change economics 158–162 UDC 502.171 |
Foreign experience of economic evaluation of hunting and wildlife values 163–167 UDC 639.1 |
Methodical bases-rated land governance evaluation 168–172 UDC 332.025 |
Development of valuation activity in modern conditions of the Republic of Belarus 173–177 UDC 338.5 : 338.24 Rassokha Yauheni Vyachaslavavich, Malashchuk Yauheni Stanislavovich, |
The possibility of building suburban and rural areas of Belarus segment individual housing construction 178–181 UDC 332.832.4 |
Cadastral model of condominium 182–186 UDC 347.214.2 |
A comparative study of the quality of the real estate mass appraisal system: Belarus and the Netherlands 187–191 UDC 347.214.2 |
Organizational and economic mechanism of marketing and logistics systems in the furniture industry companies 192–197 UDC 339.138:684 (476) Baranovskiy Stanislav Ivanovich, |
Formation of lean production strategy in timber industry 198–202 UDC 630*79 |
Development model intercompany payment: structuralfunctional approach 203–207 UDC 331.2 |
Method of assessment of innovative-investment potential organizations of the building materials industry 208–212 UDC 330.322:001.76:691 |
Complex analysis of functioning of specialized silvicultural establishments of Gomel region 213–217 UDC 630.6:630.181.29:581.5(476.2) |
Organization of effective cooperation between enterprises of cooperation in the industry of building materials to create products with high added value 218–222 UDC 338:334.734:691 Ivanouskaya Iryna Stanislavovna, |
Sustainable development of the enterprises of the petrochemical industry of the republic of Belarus: main problems and tendencies 223–227 UDC 330.35:66 |
Functioning of the forest complex of Belarus: structural aspect 228–233 UDC 630*8 Kashtelyan Taisiya Vasil’yevna, |
Economic evaluation of waste recovery in printing 234–238 UDC 655:676.038:502.174 |
Perspective areas of social responsibility of the enterprises of forestry of the Republic of Belarus 239–244 UDC 630*9(476) |
Future development of pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Belarus 245–249 UDC 001.895:338:51 |
The complex evaluation of the building materials industry by applying the calculation models 250–253 UDC 338.314:691 Sabaleuski Aliaksandr Sergeevich, |
Improvement management accounting at the enterprises of small and medium business 254–258 UDC 339.9:658:630 Baranovskiy Stanislav Ivanovich, |
The role and place of marketing in the formation business models 259–262 UDC 502.131:339.138 |
Construction management accounting system of integrated system of accounting 263–267 UDC 630*662.1:657.471.1 |
System of indicators characterizing “green” growth companies 268–272 UDC 502.131.1 Vodop’yanova Tat’yana Pavlovna, |
Constraining the growth of labor productivity in enterprises of construction materials industry 273–277 UDC 658:331.101.6:691 |
Economic security of an enterprise: essence, objectives and achievement 278–282 UDC 338.012 Kasperovich Sergey Antonovich, |
Economic security of enterprise: essence, evaluation, growth factors in context of sustainable development concept 283–288 UDC 338.242:658.5 |
Stress-diagnosing of financial stability of the organization 289–293 UDC 336:658.1.012.12 |
Macroeconomic conjuncture-detemining factors and their impact on business activity of industrial enterprises 294–296 UDC 330.322.012:658 |
Sustainable development of enterprise as driver of integration processes 297–300 UDC 339.92:005 |
Methodical aspects of economic evaluation of urban forests 301–305 UDC 502.15:630 |
Urban forests as an object value relations of natural resources 306–309 UDC 502.15:630 |
The critical analysis of the existing approaches to the assessment financial and economic condition of the economic entity 310–314 UDC 620.95:662.638 |
Development of management information base of innovative activity of pharmaceutical companies 315–319 UDC 658.8:615 |
To the issue of sustainable tourism 320–325 UDC 678.4.023 |
Econometric evaluation of advanced circuits control supply of forest products 326–330 UDC 674.817-41 |
Information technologies in management of competitiveness of the enterprise 331–336 UDC 004:339.137 |
Strategies for integration of the concept of sustainable development into practice of management of the enterprises 337–341 UDC 502:658 |
Integral rating evaluation of investment attractiveness of the timber industry complex of the republic of belarus in the framework of the EAEU 342–346 UDC 630*61:330.322 |
Intellectual capital and methods of its evaluation in the competitive environment management 347–350 UDC 316.63:338:001.895 |
Administrative survey data space monitoring as an innovative method of land supervision 351–353 UDC 004.6 |
Establishing the ecological and economic system of estimates of resource preservation 354–357 UDC 338.22.021.4 |