Volume 180
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU No.7 - Economics and Management
Contribution of university scholars to the sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus 3–6 UDC 001.891:378.12 |
Intellectual property management in organizations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus 7–12 UDC 001.003.13+338.001.36+347.77 |
Сontemporary issues compensation of employees: social angle 13–18 UDC 331.2 |
Substantiation of elements of structure of investment and innovation potential 19–23 UDC 330.322:001.895 |
Methodical bases of estimation and analysis of innovative and investment potential of the building materials industry 24–27 UDC 330.322:001.895:691 |
Formation of model of consumer behavior on the wellness market 28–33 UDC 338.24.01 |
Forms and methods for commercialization of intellectual property 34–39 UDC 347.77.043 |
Theory of international trade and development prospects of foreign economic activity organizations of the Republic of Belarus 40–43 UDC 339.56(476) |
Theoretical aspects of quasi-integration structures functioning 44–47 UDC 65.01:334.021 |
Transport services market and its further development regarding integration processes in the world economy and the Republic of Belarus 48–54 UDC 338(476) |
Royal problem of financial management and its decision 55–59 UDC 338.364 |
Sustainability performance assessment of the countries of the Baltic Sea Region 60–64 UDC 502.17 |
Place and role of environmental marketing in implementing the principles of “green” economy 65–68 UDC 502.131:339.138 |
The concept and strategy of sustainable development of the Bielaviezha Ecological Region 69–74 UDC 502.131(1-751.2)(476) Neverov Alexandr Vasil’yevich , |
Development of the institutional foundations for sustainable forest governance 75–80 UDC 630*61 Neverov Aleksandr Vasil’yevich, |
Infrastructure role of forestry in context national and regional development 81–85 UDC 630*61 Neverov Aleksandr Vasil’yevich, |
Ecological management as the factor of industrial enterprise ecological-economic sustainability and development 86–91 UDC 630*906 |
Integrated forest products. Аnalysis аnd forecast figures 92–96 UDC 630*6 |
Improvement of evaluation methods solvency forestry 97–101 UDC 631.16 |
Socio-economic assessment of the development of the Bielaviezha Ecological Region 102–105 UDC 502.131(1-751.2)(476) |
Recreational potential and its use for the “green” economy 106–110 UDC 502.15 |
The effectiveness of forest management in the system of forest management 111–115 UDC 630*651 |
Complex assessment of objects of natural, historical and cultural heritage on the territory of the forest fund 116–119 UDC 630*907.9 |
Ecological and economic cost of not closed forest cultures on lands of the forest fund 120–123 UDC 630*643 |
Regional aspects of modernization of woodworking production as factor of growth of its competitiveness 124–128 UDC 332.12:658:338.45:674-048.35:137.2 |
Hunting tourism: challenges, perspectives, ways of enhancing the effectiveness 129–132 UDC 338.48-6:639.1 |
Analysis of the impact of the oil sector on social and economic development of Iraq 133–139 UDC 338.001.36 |
Development prospects agrotourism in Vitebsk region 140–148 UDC 338.45:620.9(476) |
Directions of development of housing management in the Republic of Belarus 149–154 UDC 365.642.2(476) Palamarchuk Veronika Anatolevna, |
Increasing of the capitalization of the inefficiently used real property based on investment and value analysis 155–158 UDC 351.711 Rassokha Yauheni Vyachaslavavich, Malashchuk Yauheni Stanislavavich, |
Development of housing management system in the Republic of Belarus 159–162 UDC 332.871:502.17 Rassokha Yauheni Vyachaslavavich, |
Complex monitoring in the sustainable territory management system 163–167 UDC 347.214.2 |
Land administration business process reenginiring on the base of the architecture-construction building information models BIM 168–171 UDC 347.214.2 |
Аbout frequency of a cadastral assessment of land of settlements 172–176 UDC 330.322.1 |
An economic assessment of production efficiency of round timbers and fire wood chips when developing the windfall cutting areas 177–181 UDC 620.95:662.638 |
The use of renewables as a factor of the energy security of the Republic of Belarus 182–185 UDC 620.95:662.638 |
Trends drivers of productivity growth in industrial enterprises building materials 186–189 UDC 331.108 |
Role of factors import substitution in the formation of value added at construction materials industry enterprises 190–193 UDC 658.9 |
Conceptual model of formation of marketing and logistic systems at the enterprises of furniture industry in the Republic of Belarus 194–199 UDC 339.138:684(476) Baranovsky Stanislav Ivanovich, |
Preferential trade woodworking products in the formation of the EAEU 200–204 UDC 338.45:[630+674] |
The system planning of the industries of the manufacturing sector of the economy 205–208 UDC 338.314:691 Sabaleuski Aliaksandr Syargeevich, Rassokha Yauheni Vyachaslavavich, |
Innovative activity of organizations in the productions of products from polymeric materials at the present stage 209–213 UDC 001.895:338:51 |
Improvement of procurement in construction industry of Belarus 214–217 UDC 658.7:69 |
Definition of unit costs on elements for building material industry 218–221 UDC 691:338.512 |
Methodical approach to evaluating the performance of the enterprise in a cluster 222–226 UDC 65.01:334.021 |
Method of marketing environment analysis functioning of the enterprise taking into account environmental components 227–232 UDC 658.8:502.15 |
Marketing mechanisms of implementation of social commitments by enterprises of the Republic of Belarus 233–237 UDC 339.138:346.244 (476) |
Incentives for personnel within the sustainable development management system of the industrial enterprise 238–241 UDC 502:658 |
Prevalence and effectiveness of sustainability concept implementation in Belarus 242–245 UDC 502.17 |
Implementation of the concept of the sustainable development of the organization in quality management system 246–249 UDC 502:658 |
Use of key performance indicators to motivate staff 250–256 UDC 331.5:005.95 |
Integrated assessment of industrial management in company 257–263 UDC 338.242:658.5 |
Development model intercompany payment: structural-functional approach 264–268 UDC 331.2 |
Substantiation for selection of quantitative indicators of the organization's depreciation strategy 269–272 UDC 330.142:657.471 |
Designing payment tariff systems in the organizations 273–278 UDC 331.2 |
Factors of formation of the steady environment of development of the forest complex of Belarus 279–282 UDC 630*631.16 |
Using big data in assessment of the economic potential of organizations 283–288 UDC 311.42:658 |
Regional aspects of the services development 289–293 UDC 332.142 |
Perspective directions of valuation process automation 294–298 UDC 332.6 Rassokha Yauheni Vyachaslavavich, |
The mechanism of calculation the costs of formation of marketing and logistic systems at the enterprises of the furniture industry in the Republic of Belarus 299–303 UDC 339.138:684 (476) |
Evaluation and guidelines of international technology transfer 304–309 UDC 339.727.22 Kasperovich Sergey Аntonovich, |
Human capital in the system of sustainable development 310–315 UDC 330.341 |
Competitiveness of ecological oriented regions: factors of formation and growth 316–319 UDC 502.009.12 (476) |
Analysis of innovative factors’ influence on the country of economic potential development 320–324 UDC 338. (476). 001.76 |
The essence and actual direction of effective utilization of the brand 325–330 UDC [339.138+330.34]:332.1 |
Current issues involving waste glass in the secondary use 331–333 UDC 338.22.021.4 |