Requirements for the design of articles

- General requirements

- Rules of articles’ design

- Translation of academic degrees

- The layout of the list of references in English (in presence of index DOI, it must be mentioned)

- The layout of the list of references in Russian (in presence of index DOI, it must be mentioned)

Series 1. It is recommended to use at least 15 sources in the article; for a scientific review - at least 50-80 sources.

Series 2. It is recommended to use at least 15 sources in the article; for a scientific review - at least 50-80 sources.

Series 3. It is recommended to use at least 5-7 sources in the article.

Series 4. It is recommended to use at least 15 sources in the article.

Series 5. It is recommended to use at least 15-20 sources in the article. Works by foreign authors must make up at least 30% of the entire list of references. It is recommended to refer to works published no earlier than 2015.

Series 6. It is recommended to use at least 5 sources in the article. There should be links to works of foreign authors, as well as links to historical sources.


Online generator of bibliographic references for publication