
You can subscribe to the journal in any post-office of Belpochta. The subscription index for individual subscribers is 00804, for organizations – 008042.

The print version of the journal is distributed only on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.


Annual publishing schedule of “Proceedings of BSTU”:

  • Series 1 Forestry. Environmental management. Reprocessing of renewable resources, №1 – January
  • Series 2 Chemical technologies. Biotechnology. Geoecology, №1 – February
  • Series 3 Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, №1 – March
  • Series 4 Print- and mediatechnologies, №1 – April
  • Series 5 Economics and Management, №1 – May
  • Series 6 History. Philosophy, №1 – June
  • Series 1Forestry. Environmental management. Reprocessing of renewable resources, №2 – July
  • Series 2 Chemical technologies. Biotechnology. Geoecology, №2 – August
  • Series 3 Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, №2 – September
  • Series 4 Print- and mediatechnologies, №2 – October
  • Series 5 Economics and Management, №2 – November
  • Series 6 History. Philosophy, №2 – December