Regulations on review of articles

  1. General provisions

1.1. This Provision has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the “Instructions on the procedure of the formation of scientific publications in the Republic of Belarus for the publication of the results of dissertation research”, approved by the Resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated June 08, 2009 No. 3 (as amended by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission dated June 30, 2012 No. 5).

1.2. Reviewing in this Provision refers to the procedure for independent examination by leading scientists and specialists of scientific articles (hereinafter referred to as the article) submitted for publication in the journal "Proceedings of BSTU" (hereinafter referred to as the journal), before publication, for compliance by the authors with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for scientific articles, standards accepted in science in general and the correspondence of the article to the subject of the journal, as well as the reliability of scientific results, the presence of scientific novelty, and practical significance.

1.3. The purpose of reviewing articles submitted to the journal is to improve the quality of scientific materials published in the journal and, as a result, to promote relevant scientific research through the evaluation of articles by highly qualified experts.

1.4. All materials must be open source. The presence of a restrictive stamp serves as a basis for refusing to publish in the open press.

1.5. Publication of articles that have not passed review in the journal is not allowed.


  1. Procedure for accepting articles

2.1. The authors of articles can be graduate students, teachers, researchers, doctoral students, applicants working or studying in institutions of higher and secondary specialized education and scientific institutions of the Republic of Belarus and other countries. In other cases, the decision to accept the article is made by the editorial board.

2.2. Persons who do not have a scientific degree must provide an extract on the recommendation of the article for publication from a staff meeting or another scientific structure. In the extract of graduate students (doctoral students) - the authors of the article, the year of study is indicated.

2.3. The editors reserve the right, if necessary, to request from any author an extract on the recommendation of the article for publication from a staff meeting or another scientific structure.

2.4. Each author of the article must issue an "Author's Consent to Publication".

2.5. Articles with the necessary accompanying documents the author must:

  • submit to the editorial office of the journal in person or send by regular mail with the obligatory note Journal “Proceedings of BSTU”, or by e-mail ( ),

  • submit through the electronic submission system via the journal's website (Submit material).

2.6. The author must provide a report obtained using the "Antiplagiarism - VUZ" system on checking the article for plagiarism. The percentage of uniqueness of the text of articles according to the system should be at least 70%.

2.7. Articles are accepted according to the established schedule.

In exceptional cases, in agreement with the editors of the journal, the deadline for submitting articles to the next issue can be extended, but not more than three weeks.

2.8. Articles received by the editors of the journal are reviewed by the editor-in-chief of the series and the executive secretary of the series within 2 weeks for compliance with the profile of the journal, the requirements for registration and are registered in the prescribed manner.

2.9. The editorial board is authorized to carry out scientific and literary editing of the received articles, if necessary, shorten them in agreement with the author, or, if the subject of the article is of interest to the journal, send the article for revision to the author.

2.10. The editorial board reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the established requirements, the subject of the journal or has a low scientific value. Rejected articles are not returned to the authors.

2.11. In case of rejection of the submitted article, the editorial board gives the author a reasoned opinion.

2.12. Authors within 7 days after receipt of the work sent a notification of  accession or notification of non-accepted and unregistered work. A month after the registration of the article, the editors inform the authors about the results of the review and about the plan for publishing the article.

2.13. The editors do not accept articles previously published in other journals or scientific publications.

2.14. Authors are not charged for the publication of manuscripts of articles.

2.15. The author's fee for the publication of the article is not paid.

2.16. Manuscripts and electronic media are not returned to the authors.


  1. Procedure for reviewing manuscripts

3.1. Scientific articles received by the editors go through the review institute.

3.2. Each article goes through two levels of review: primary internal review, which is carried out by the editor-in-chief of the series, his deputy and members of the editorial board, and independent external.

3.3. To conduct an external independent review from the list of reviewers (scientists from specialized universities, scientific research institutes, National Academy of Sciences, etc.), the editor-in-chief of the series appoints an external reviewer (doctor of science or PhD, having the scientific specialization closest to the topic of the article). Experts of those organizations where the work was performed, the author's supervisor, his subordinates are not involved in the review.

3.4. The responsible secretary within 7 days after receiving the review notifies the authors of the results of the review of the article.

3.5. The terms of review in each individual case are determined by the responsible secretary, taking into account the creation of conditions for the most prompt publication of the article.

3.6. A special form may be used for reviewing.

3.7. The manuscript is submitted to the reviewer in printed and/or electronic form. The reviewer is also notified that the article submitted to him for review is a subject to copyright and refers to information that is not subject to disclosure prior to its publication. The reviewer is not allowed to make copies of the article and transfer it to the third parties.

3.8. The reviewer is responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts reviewed by him, which received from him a recommendation for publication in the journal, with the criteria for scientific publications:

  • compliance with the theme of the journal;
  • compliance of the content of the article with the topic stated in the title;
  • compliance with modern achievements of scientific and technical thought;
  • relevance;
  • scientific novelty;
  • structuredness;
  • research methods;
  • reliability of the main research results;
  • literary sources;
  • quality of design and accessibility of the presentation of the material in terms of language, style, location, etc .;
  • the feasibility of publishing the article.

3.9. Reviews are certified in the manner prescribed by the institution where the reviewer works and is sent by the reviewer to the editorial office, taking into account the review deadlines provided for in clause 3.5. of this Provision.

3.10. The reviewer has the right to refuse reviewing within one week from the reception of the manuscript and notify the editorial board of the journal about it.

3.11. An article in need of revision is sent to the authors with the comments of the reviewers. The authors must make all necessary corrections to the final version of the manuscript and return the corrected text, as well as its electronic version, along with a cover letter-response to the reviewers, to the editorial office

3.12. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewers, the authors of the article have the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editors of the journal. The article is sent for review by other independent experts (the choice of experts remains within the competence of the editorial board), and then discussed at a meeting of the editorial board.

3.13. Controversial issues related to review are resolved at meetings of the editorial board. All doubts in the process of reviewing and discussing papers at the editorial boards are interpreted in favor of the authors.

3.14. In case of rejection of the article from publication, the editors send a reasoned refusal to the author.

3.15. An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for re-consideration. The text of the negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or regular mail.

3.16. The final decision on the expediency and order of publication is made by the editorial board.

3.17. If, as a result of the second review, a negative reviewer's review of the manuscript is received, the editorial board refuses the author to publish this article.

3.18. In order to increase the objectivity of the consideration of manuscripts sent for review, the editors have the right to organize anonymous review without telling the reviewer the name of the author of the manuscript.

3.19. Reviews and other documents, as well as author's electronic versions of articles, are stored in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years.

3.20. Authors convicted of violating the "Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications" (plagiarism), by decision of the editorial board, may be denied further publication of articles in the journal "Proceedings of BSTU" for up to 3 years.