Babakhanova Halima Abishevna (Uzbekistan, Tashkent)

Born in 1963, Uzbek, higher education. In 1985 graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, from 1985 to 1991 she worked as a technologist at the book and magazine factory № 3 in Tashkent. Since 1991, at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry at the Department of "Technology of Printing Production" as an assistant, senior lecturer. In 1998, she completed a 3-month internship "Printpromotion" at the University of Berg (Wuppertal, Germany). In 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Printing and technical properties of paper with components of silk and kenaf fibers". Internships: in 2002, 2009 as a grant holder of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, in 2004 as a leader of a group of fifteen gifted students in Germany, in 2005 at Shanghai University (China) as the owner of the Istedod grant. From 2005 to 2008 – Head of the Department "Technology of printing production". From 2008 to 2011-Dean of the Faculty of Printing, Technology of Textile Chemistry and Automation. In 2016, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Development of the system" raw material-paper-impression", which provides the specified properties of paper with the addition of secondary fibrous materials". Since 2017, Professor of the Department "Technology of Printing and Packaging Processes" of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry.

Head of State Scientific and Technical Projects:

A-6-012 – "Research and development of paper with effective printing and technical properties based on waste natural and chemical fibers" (2006-2008);

A-13-308 "Improvement of the system of standardization and certification for printed products" (2006-2008);

ITD-3-08 "Development of paper production from various types of cellulose of local origin for the pulp and paper and printing industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (2012-2014).

VA-OT-A3-05 " Improvement of technology for producing paper and paper products from secondary fibrous materials for the pulp and paper and printing industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan "(2017-2018).

She is the author of 2 monographs, more than 180 scientific papers, more than 50 methodological and educational works

Researcher ID: AAN-3856-2020, ORCID: 0000-0003-2209-2498