UDC 630*377.21

Shoshyn Artsiom Alegavich – Senior Lecturer, the Department of Mechanics and Engineering. Belarusian State Technological University (13a Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:,

Štollmann Vladimir – PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department of Forest Harvesting, Logistics and Soil/Land Ameliorations. Technical University in Zvolen (24 Мasaryka str., 96001, Zvolen, Slovak Republic). E-mail:

Yarmolik Sergey Vasil’evich – Senior Lecturer, the Department of Material and Construction Mechanics. Belarusian State Technological University (13a Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

DOI: 10.52065/2519-402Х-2025-288-9.

Key words: algorithm, power, drums, tower, skidding unit.

For citation: Shoshyn A. O., Štollmann V., Yarmolik S. V. Determination of parameters of a mobile cable skidding unit for waterlogged forest areas. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2025, no. 1 (288), pp. 83–96 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2519-402Х-2025-288-9.


An algorithm for determining the parameters of a mobile cable skidding unit has been proposed and tested. It allows for design and includes the following points: mast height, power and geometric dimensions of the working drums (carrying, traction). The stage-by-stage nature of the calculation according to the algorithm has been substantiated. Groups of mobile cable skidding units and the drag coefficient have been determined depending on operating conditions: log volume, average skidding distance, terrain slope, drag coefficient, and annual production volume. A diagram has been obtained for determining the power on the traction and carrying drums, allowing for the selection of a base machine depending on the timber skidding method, drag coefficient, skidding/skidding speed, mast height, maximum span, and bundle volume. A diagram has been obtained for the dependence of the carrying rope drum diameter on the bundle volume, safety factor, and flexible organ manufacturer. A diagram for determining the diameter of a traction rope drum depending on the volume of a bundle, the coefficient of resistance to movement, the safety factor, and the manufacturer of the flexible organ is constructed. For a box-shaped mast section, the dependences of the section width on the mast height, the coefficient of resistance to movement, and the volume of a bundle of timber are established. Ranges of rational sizes of mast sections are identified.



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