UDC 355.01

Ksenofontov Vladislav Anatol’yevich − PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Ideological Work and Social Sciences. Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus (220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-287-18.

Key words: military sphere of national security, man, cognition, activity, dialectics, laws and paired categories of dialectics, methodological significance.

For citation: Ksenofontov V. A. Main categories of dialectics as a tool for understanding the military sphere. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 2 (287), pp. 95–100 (In Russian). DOI: 10.25065/2520-6885-2024-287-18.


The article notes that in the context of increasing military-force confrontation in international relations, priority is given to the effective functioning of the military sphere of national security of the state. The author believes that the most important methodological tool for scientific knowledge and management of this subsystem of national security and defense of the state is the potential of materialistic dialectics. It is emphasized that knowledge and skillful application of the basic laws of dialectics and paired categories is the basis for the purposeful activity of people. In the system of categories of dialectics, a special place belongs to paired categories as non-basic laws, through which there is a deepening into the essence of the phenomena under study. The functions, essential content and methodological significance of paired categories are revealed: individual and general, content and form, cause and effect, necessity and chance, possibility and reality, phenomenon and essence. A number of examples of their “work” in the military sphere are given. It is concluded that the application of dialectic categories, which have the utmost degree of generality, equip a person with scientific knowledge, worldview and rational research method. The main categories of dialectics guide a comprehensive analysis of the phenomena of the military sphere of national security and contribute to the adoption of optimal solutions in the field of military development.



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