UDC 355.48(476)
Astroha Victor Alexandrovich – DSc (History), Professor, head of the Department of customs affairs and international logistics. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-287-10.
Key words: Belarusian SSR, military history, historiography, scientific research, scientific topics, history of the Second World War, history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), history of the Warsaw Pact Organization.
For citation: Astroha V. A. Thе problems of foreign military history in the belarusian historiography of the 1920s – 1980s. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 2 (287), pp. 56–60 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-287-10.
The article analyzes the results of research by Belarusian social scientists in the field of foreign military history in the 1920s – 1980s. The reasons for the insufficient study and low interest in this issue in the period under review among researchers of the BSSR are noted. The most important of these reasons is the lack of a republican scientific school of foreign military history that was formed in the period under review. It should be noted that various aspects of foreign military history were constantly in the field of view of historians of Soviet Belarus, although it is impossible to assert their priority place. Interest in this topic was associated with the study of the then relevant topics of ideological struggle, the struggle for peace and disarmament, the national liberation movement, various episodes in the history of World War II, the activities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the armed forces of its members, the Warsaw Pact. as well as related to the study of the military history of Belarus. It is noted that in general, for the entire Soviet period in the BSSR, the historiography block that can be directly attributed to militaryhistorical research consisted of almost 70 scientific and popular science publications. It is noted that until 1941, research on foreign military history in the BSSR was practically not carried out. The topic of military history of foreign countries began to be studied relatively actively only in the 1960s. It is concluded that this area of historical knowledge did not become the object of active scientific research of Belarusian social scientists in the period under review.
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