UDC 811.161.3+811.512.156
Petrushevskaya Yuliya Anatol’yevna – PhD (Philology), Assistant Professor, the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University (1, Kosmonavtov str., 212022, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-20.
Key words: proverb, Belarusian language, Tuvam language, typological comparison, structuralsemantic proverbs.
For citation: Petrushevskaya Yu. A. Identical structural-semantic proverbs models in genetically and arealy distant languages (based on the belarusian and tuvan languages). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2024, no. 2 (285), pp. 145–153 (In Belarusian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-20.
The article presents the results of a comparison of structural-semantic models of interlanguage Belarusian and Tuvan proverbial parallels. The aim of the study is to identify and differentiate identical structural and semantic models of proverbs in the Belarusian and Tuvan languages. The actual research material consisted of over 12.000 Belarusian proverbs and 770 Tuvan proverbs. In addition, the research uses materials from multilanguage paremiographic sources. Of the Tuvan proverbs selected for analysis, 316 units have different types of correlates in the Belarusian language, 31 proverbs have structural-semantic models identical to Belarusian ones. Tuvan proverbs, which have identical structural-semantic models with Belarusian units, can be differentioted by the increasing degree of their differences in form and content with proverbs of European languages identical to them in terms of structural model. Correlates identical according to the structuralsemantic model are characterized by significant linguistic and cultural marking, which confirms the specificity of the Tuvan proverbial picture of the world at the same time as the typological similarity of the structural-semantic organization of Belarusian and Tuvan proverbs. The research was carried out of the task of the Belarusian Republican Fund for Fundamental Research (project no. 20231303).
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