UDC 543.42+535.34


Gladkov Lev L’vovich – DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Physical and Mathematical Foundations of Informatics. Belarusian State Academy of Communications (8/2, Francysk Skaryna str., 220114, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: llglad@tut.by Gladkova Galina Aleksandrovna – PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Higher Mathematics. Belarusian Military Academy (220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: llglad@tut.by

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6141-2024-278-6.


Key words: metallochlorins, normal coordinate calculations, DFT calculations.


For citation: Gladkov L. L., Gladkova G. A. DFT calculation of Zn-chlorine vibrational states. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2024, no. 1 (278), pp. 39–42 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6141-2024-278-6.


The geometric structure, normal vibrations and intensities in the IR spectrum of Zn-chlorin were calculated using the density functional method. Geometry optimization showed a violation of the planar structure of the hydrogenated pyrrole ring, one of the Cb atoms of which is located above the plane of the macrocycle, and the other below it. The bond of the zinc atom to the nitrogen of this ring is 0.05 Å larger than other zinc-nitrogen bonds. The interpretation of vibrational and fine-structure electronicvibrational spectra of metallochlorins has been revised.




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