UDC 630*232.318 (047.31)

Rabko Siarhei Uladzimiravich – PhD (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Forest Plantations and Soil Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

 Novikov Arthur Igorevich – DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Wood Science. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G. F. Morozov (8, Timiryazeva str., 394087, Voronezh, Russian Federation). Е-mail:

Novikova Tatyana Petrovna – PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Computer Technology and Microelectronic Engineering. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G. F. Morozov (8, Timiryazeva str., 394087, Voronezh, Russian Federation). Е-mail:

 Petrishchev Evgeniy Petrovich – PhD Student of the Department of Wood Science. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G. F. Morozov (8, Timiryazeva str., 394087, Voronezh, Russian Federation). Е-mail:

 DOI: 10.52065/2519-402Х-2024-276-8.

Key words: Scots pine, variety, seeds, seeds sowing qualities, seed length, seed thickness, seed width, seed weight, seeds moisture, correlation analysis.

For citation: Rabko S. U., Novikov A. I., Novikova T. P., Petrishchev E. P. The relationship between the geometric and gravimetric parameters of the seeds of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) of sort Negorelskaya. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2024, no. 1 (276), pp. 66–76 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2519-402Х-2024-276-8.


The established correlations between geometric and gravimetric parameters of varietal seeds of Scots pine are characterized by varying degrees of dependence. A close correlation was found between the surface area and the volume of the seed (correlation coefficient С.V. = 0.89), the length and surface area of the seed (С.V. = 0.88), the width and surface area of the seed (С.V. = 0.88), the width and volume of the seed (С.V. = 0.81), the weight and volume of the seed (С.V. = 0.80), the thickness and volume of the seed (С.V. = 0.77), the length and volume of the seed (С.V. = 0.75), the weight and surface area of the seed (С.V. = 0.72). A moderate correlation was revealed between the parameters of seed mass and length (С.V. = 0.64), seed mass and width (correlation coefficient 0.62), seed mass and thickness (С.V. = 0.59), seed length and width (С.V. = 0.55). A low level of correlation was established for such parameters as the thickness and width of the seed (С.V. = 0.41) and the thickness and surface area of the seed (С.V. = = 0.40). For the entire sample of varietal seeds, there is no correlation only between the parameters of the length and thickness of the seed (С.V. = 0.29). The main sowing qualities of the seeds of the Pine ordinary of sort Negorelskaya were determined (weight of 1000 seeds – 6.39 g, seed purity – 96%, technical germination of seeds – 88%, seed germination energy – 80%, the average seed rest of the seeds is 5.5 days) and the moisture content of the seeds is 5.8%.



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