UDC 325.2(450)«1921/1939»

 Koval Volha Uladzimirauna – PhD (History), Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Belarus and Political Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

 DOI: 6885-2023-275-2-9 (In Belarusian).

 Key words: tree-Belarusian emigrant, Belarusian emigration, Belarusian diaspora, Italy, Catholic church, musical culture.

 For citation: Koval V. U. Creative and educational projects of Belarusians in Italy (1921–1939). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 2 (275), pp. 51–54. DOI: 10.52065/2520- 6885-2023-275-2-9 (In Belarusian).


This article analyzes the activity of Belarusian students in the higher Catholic institutions of Rome. Some facts about the creative career of Belarusians in Italy are presented. Belarusian opera singer Pavel Prokopenya regularly gave concerts in Italian cities. He planned to popularize the Belarusian folk musical culture as his own radio recordings in Rome. Belarusian priests studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. They carried out the active public work, participated in the international student organizations. Belarusian Catholics achieved an audience with Pope Pius XI in 1926. Belarusian priests in Italy openly described the situation of religious discrimination against Belarusian Catholics in Poland, which led to the political international conflicts. The article provides the role of the Belarusian international cooperation in Italy. Belarusian priests in Rome planned to open a Belarusian theological seminary in Rome with the support of the German Embassy in the Vatican. The seminary project was not realized. This project was another attempt to organize a Belarusian higher education institution abroad during the interwar period.



1.Ja. Sh. Paval Prokopenya. Kalos’se [Spikeiets], 1934, book 2 (11), p. 121 (In Belarusian).

  1. Buzhanski A. Paval Prokopenya. Kalos’se [Spikeiets], 1934, book 2 (11), pp. 120–121 (In Belarusian).
  2. Chomik P. [et. al] Historia Białorusinów Podlasia [History of the Belarusians in Podlyashsha]. Bialystok, Białoruskie Towarzystwo Historyczne Publ., 2016. 538 p. (In Polish).
  3. Mironowich E. Białorusini i Ukraińcy w polityce obozu piłsudczykowskiego [Belarusians and Ukrainians in the politics of the Pilsudski camp]. Bialystok, Trans Humana Publ., 2007. 294 p. (In Polish).
  4. Belarusian State Archive and Museum of Art. Fund 3. I. 1. F. 184. L. 9.
  5. Belarusians in Rome. Belaruskaya Krynitsa [The Belarusian Source], 1926, no. 1, p. 8 (In Belarusian).
  6. Belarusian Theological Seminary in Rome. Syn Belarusa [The Son of Belarusian], 1924, no. 35, p. 1 (In Belarusian).
  7. Pope Pius XI and Belarusians. Belaruskaya Krynitsa [The Belarusian Source], 1926, no. 33, p. 6 (In Belarusian).
  8. Croatian Catholic students to Belarusian Catholic students. Belaruskaya Krynitsa [The Belarusian Source], 1927, no. 36, p. 3 (In Belarusian).
  9. Belarusian priest is a doctoral student of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Belaruskaya Krynitsa [The Belarusian Source], 1926, no. 21, p. 6 (In Belarusian).
