UDC 161.3«1920/1930»

Kolyada Ina Vladimirovna – PhD (History), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Belarus and Political Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

DOI: (In Russian).

Key words: Belarusianization, education, state policy, Belarusian language, terminology, teaching staff, educational institutions.

For citation: Kolеda I. V. Creating the educational system in the BSSR in 1920s. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 2 (275), pp. 46–50. DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2023-275-2-8 (In Russian).


The article deals with the problems of creating and developing the education system in the BSSR in the 1920s. In the complex of measures developed for the Belarusianization of public life in the republic, priority was given to the public education system, because the success of solving the problem as a whole largely depended on the changes in this particular industry. Belarusization was carried out in parallel across all categories of educational and educational institutions. The fundamental principle of national policy in school affairs was to ensure the rights and opportunities of every nationality living on the territory of Belarus to educate children in their native language in proportion to their composition in the total population and the wishes of their parents. In the 1920s, the system of public education in the BSSR basically took shape, the principles of state policy and the activities of party and public organizations in this area were formed. In difficult material conditions, a network of general education schools, technical schools, and universities grew. The expansion of education in the Belarusian language laid the foundation for the education of national identity. This time became an important stage in the development of Belarusian science, when the first scientific institutions were created and began their activities, and a cadre of scientists was formed.



  1. Vos’my Ysebelaruski z’yezd Savetau. Stenagrafichnaya spravazdacha [Eighth All-Belarusian Congress of Soviets Verbatim report]. Minsk, Vydavetstva TsVK BSSR Publ., 1927. 486 p. (In Belarusian).
  2. Charvyakou A. Za Savetskuyu Belarus’ [For Soviet Belarus]. Minsk, Belaruskaye vydavetstva Publ., 1927. 137 p. (In Belarusian).
  3. Praktychnaye vyrashenne natsyyanal’naga pytannya u BSSR. U 2 ch. Ch 1. Belarusizatsiya [The practical solution of the national question in the Byelorussian SSR. In 2 parts. Part 1. Belarusization]. Minsk, Vydavetstva Natskamisii TsVK BSSR Publ., 1928. 152 p. (In Belarusian).
  4. Dva gady natsyyanal’nay raboty u BSSR: zbor pramou, artykulau i rezalyutsyy pa natsyyanal’namu pytannyu [Two years of national work in the BSSR: the collection of speeches, articles and resolutions on the national question]. Minsk, Vydavetstva Natskamisii TsVK BSSR Publ., 1929. 167 p. (In Belarusian).
  5. Beloruskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika [Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic]. Minsk, Izdatel’stvo SNK BSSR Publ., 1927. 528 p. (In Russian).
