UDC 355.01
Ksenofontov Vladislav Anatol’yevich − PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Ideological Work and Social Sciences. Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus (220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). Email:
DOI: 6885-2023-275-2-20 (In Russian).
Key words: new world order, politics, international relations, military-political situation, military conflict, mental war, military security of the Republic of Belarus, dialectics, military sphere of national security, national interests.
For citation: Ksenofontov V. A. Military sphere of national security: main ways of improvement. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 2 (275), pp. 108–114. DOI: 10.52065/2520- 6885-2023-275-2-20 (In Russian).
The emergence of a new world order is accompanied by the growth of all types of interstate violence (non-military and military) and the expansion of its geography. It is necessary to develop national security systems and their military components in the context of the dynamics of international relations, military-political situation and transformation of military conflicts. The main method of rationally identifying ways to improve the military sphere is the dialectic of modern warfare and the military sphere of national security. In the conditions of weakness of international politics and possible unleashing of military conflict, it is important to study its technology. The essential tendency of modern confrontation at any stage of the conflict is information-cognitive and ideological components, which have developed into mental warfare. The peculiarities of mental violence, the significance of the formation of mental culture and mental security strategy are shown. The importance of understanding nationalinterests as a key aspect in defence against mental aggression is emphasised. The military sphere of national security has its own interests, the realisation of which ensures the defence of the country in military terms. On the basis of the National Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus the main national interests in the military sphere are shown. The main internal and external sources of military threats are actualised, and the ways of their neutralisation are highlighted. The principles of ensuring military security and indicators of the state national security in the military sphere are highlighted. It is concluded that the observance of national interests in the military sphere by the individual, society and the state in socio-political practice is the main way to ensure military security.
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