UDC 94 (476)”1921/1939”
- Borovskaya Volha – PhD (History), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher. Institute of History of the National Academy of sciences of Belarus (1, Akademichnaya, 220072, Minsk, Belarus). E-mail:
DOI: 10.52065/2520- 6885-2023-275-2-10 (In Belarusian).
Key words: Riga Treaty, BSSR, Poland, cultural cooperation, All-Russian Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries.
For citation: Borovskaya V. Cultural relations between the BSSR and Poland in 1921‒1939. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 2 (275), pp. 55–59. DOI: 10.52065/2520- 6885-2023-275-2-10 (In Belarusian).
The article is devoted to the main forms of scientific relations between the BSSR and Poland in 1921−1939: book exchange, cooperation within the framework of conferences and congresses; the direction of foreign business trips of scientists from both sides. The involvement of a wide range of archival sources, first introduced into scientific circulation, the use of special historical methods, the principles of historicism and objectivity, made it possible to conclude that the scientific BelarusianPolish relations of the interwar period, although there were positive dynamics and stable forms of relations, however, did not differ in planning and regularity. Attention is drawn to the fact that the receipts of Polish-language literature in the BSSR were in second place, after the German-language ones, the general level of organization of the book exchange process did not allow for a qualitative scientific research. This fought back on the activities of the Polonist research centers, including the Commission for the Study of Western Belarus. For the first time in domestic historiography, quantitative indicators of written literature are given, which makes it possible to trace the pace of book exchange with the Polish side, and compare with other countries. Cultural cooperation between the BSSR and Poland in 1921−1939 despite numerous contradictions in the political sphere of bilateral relations (problems in the implementation of the articles of the Riga Peace Treaty, a sense of hostility and mistrust in society and the ruling circles of both sides) had a positive dynamic of development.
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