UDC 338.004.9


Ustinovich Irina Valerievna – PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Business Administration. Belarusian National Technical University (65, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220013, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:


DOI: 10.52065/2520-6877-2023-274-2-10 (In Russian).


Key words: scientific and industrial complex, technological platform, cluster, interaction, scientific organizations, industrial organizations, government bodies.


For citation: : Ustinovich I. V. Scientific and industrial complex as one of the organizations interaction forms. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2023, no. 2 (274), pp. 72–77. DOI: 10.52065/2520-6877-2023-274-2-10 (In Russian).



The integration of industrial and scientific organizations is a mutually beneficial process that contributes to innovative development. The article focuses on the need for innovative development of industrial organizations through the formation and development of the scientific and industrial complex (hereinafter referred to as SIC), because this will mean creating a favorable ecosystem for innovative development; cooperation between scientific and industrial organizations; attraction of talented specialists; development of infrastructure and legal framework. The article proves the necessity of forming the SIC as a promising form of organization (organizational and economic mechanism) of the industrial organizations’ innovative development. The concept of the scientific and industrial complex is not found in the regulatory legal acts of domestic legislation, there is only a mention of this term in rare scientific publications of the Russian Federation and other foreign publications. Various types of complexes received wide coverage: agro-industrial, military-industrial, etc. (the closest in content is the industrial complex). In domestic regulatory legal acts, the industrial complex is described as a set of industrial and other technologically related organizations. The parameters of the scientific and industrial organizations functioning were assumed, the construction of a correlation matrix, and the relationship between them were evaluated. The applied research methods include a systematic approach and such private methods as synthesis, analysis, modeling and forecasting. As a result of the study, the main features of the SIC are described, thereby delimiting the concepts of complexes, clusters and technological platforms.




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