UDC 338.482
Bessarab Dmitry Aleksandrovich – PhD (Geographical), associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Tourism, Nature Management and Hunting. Belarusian State Technological University (13 a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: dibess1@yandex.ru
DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.52065/2519-402X-2023-270-2-14.
Key words: tourism, ecological tourism, ethno-cultural tourism, tourism development in Belarus, quaternary glaciations, life and mental organization of the population.
For citation: Bessarab D. A. On the question of the possibility of using the potential specially protected areas for the development of ecological tourism. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2023, no. 2 (270), pp. 120–125. DOI: 10.52065/2519- 402X-2023-270-2-14 (In Russian).
The article presents the author’s views on the possibility of using specially protected territories for the development of ecological tourism in the Republic of Belarus. Information is given on the distribution of Quaternary glacial covers on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The links between their spread and the formation of the peculiarities of everyday life and the mental organization of the population are traced. It is noted that the activity of glaciers is associated with the distribution of unique natural objects and ethno-religious traditions on the territory of Belarus, which occur in extremely limited areas. A brief description of the most attractive of them is given. It is stated that in order to maintain their biological existence, a person needs to constantly search for a certain balance between the economic benefits obtained from the use of natural objects and environmental safety. Compliance with this balance is a direct vital necessity, which leads to an understanding of the need to implement the process of environmental protection as a guaranteed condition for the long-term existence of a person. It is noted that a specially protected natural area should be considered as a con-solidating and leading unit in the process of developing and creating an ecotourist cluster, and possibly an ecotourist destination. This will lay the foundation for the formation of an ecotourism product that has a recognizable brand with a high level of awareness of the target audience about its existence. Keywords: tourism, ecological tourism, ethno-cultural tourism, tourism development in Belarus, quaternary glaciations, life and mental organization of the population.
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