UDC 630*244

Sazonov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – Head of the forest management party, the 1st Minsk Forest Inventory Expedition. Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosles” (27/1, Zheleznodorozhnaya str., 220089, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Babuľ Dmitry Aleksandrovich – appraiser engineer of the 1st category, the 1st Minsk Forest Inventory Expedition. Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosles” (27/1, Zheleznodorozhnaya str., 220089, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Patsukevich Pavel Viktorovich – forest pathologist engineer, the 1st Minsk Forest Inventory Expedition. Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosles” (27/1, Zheleznodorozhnaya str., 220089, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: П

DOI: 10.52065/2519-402X-2023-270-2-11 (In Russian).

Key words: sanitary felling, oak forests, tree condition categories, forest protection measures.

For citation: Sazonov A. A., Babul’ D. A., Patsukevich P. V. Increasing the resistance of the oak forests by selective sanitary logging: problems and ways to overcome them. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2023, no. 2 (270), pp. 87– 99. DOI: 10.52065/2519-402X-2023-270-2-11 (In Russian)


Based on the results of experimental work, the ways of improving sanitary and health measures in the oak forests of Belarus at the stage of their recovery after the depression of 2003–2008 are discussed. It is shown that trees affected by chronic diseases and damage accumulate already in middle-aged oak stands, which causes a decrease in the resistance of plantings over time. For the rehabilitation of oak forests, it is proposed to use selective sanitary logging more widely. For the first time in Belarus, the results of experimental logging are described, where a special scale was used to select oak trees for felling during selective sanitary logging. Conclusions and recommendations to the production allowing to improve the regulatory-technical documents for sanitary felling in oak forests are formulated. The directions for further research of the problem of increasing the efficiency of logging as a tool for rehabilitation of oak forests are proposed.



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