UDC 355.01
Keywords: state, society, international relations, politico-military situation, military conflict, military sphere of national security, dialectics, military organisation of the state, armed forces, science.
For citation: Ksenofontov V. A. Military sphere of national security: main components, features and patterns of development. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 192–197 (In Russian). DOI:
Under the conditions of intensifying inter-civilizational hostility and military-to-military confrontation in international relations the military dangers and threats to social systems are greatly increasing. Military conflict has become an organic part of social being. For the peaceful development of states it is necessary to have functioning national security systems, especially their military components, called the military sphere of national security. Managing this sphere requires understanding its essential content and directions of improvement. The essence of the subject matter is understood as the most important element of national security, providing a state of protection of national interests from internal and external military threats, guaranteeing its sustainable development. The main components of the military sphere of national security have been substantiated, the peculiarities of its functioning have been highlighted, and the main regularities of its development have been analyzed. The regularities presented are implemented through the tasks of formation and development of the entire military sphere of national security, which is a kind of synthesized reflection of the society itself. The focus is on the fact that the society itself creates and ensures the development of a military subsystem of national security to meet its own security needs. In the contemporary politico-military situation the military sphere of national security is reaching a new qualitative stage of development, which requires solving the complex of scientific and practical problems outlined in the article. Military sphere of national security protects national interests from military dangers and threats, prevents or restrains armed aggression, and in case of military threat to national interests provides their armed protection.
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