UDC 168
Keywords: convergent technologies, NBICS-convergence, technological innovations, social assessment of technology.
For citation: Lazarevich N. A. Social role and evaluation of convergent technologies. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 159–162 (In Russian). DOI:
The article examines the role of convergent technologies in the course of social development and assesses their use. It is shown that the phenomenon of convergent (conjugate) development is applicable to the space of technogenic culture as a new form of socio-technological integration, in which various kinds of factors interact – technospheric, biospheric and social. The concept of "technogenic culture" reflects the technical and technological nature of opportunities in transformative human activity, with the obligatory inclusion of the latest technologies. The innovative component makes it possible to make global scientific and technological changes in society as fully and purposefully as possible. The effect of merging or convergence of various technologies can lead to the combined solution of scientific, technological, social, environmental and other problems.
The role of social expertise is defined, which involves a comprehensive assessment of convergent technologies both from the point of view of the result of the effectiveness of their implementation, and from the point of view of the social effectiveness of compliance with social goals and values of society.
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