UDC 140.8:177
Keywords: worldview, consolidation, factor, society, challenge, crisis, contradiction, self-development, security.
For citation: Burak P. M. Consolidation of world view factors in the generation of society safety. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 142–149 (In Russian). DOI:
The article deals with the problem of forming the content and deployment of the positive activity of the worldview aimed at generating the security of modern society. An approach is proposed according to which a worldview can play a creative role in achieving a stable state of society, “construct” its unity if it includes as mandatory knowledge, value orientations, beliefs, volitional components and other necessary elements for the synthesis of a productive response to a challenge, to resolvetion of the multiple contradictions that make up its content (problems of social reality). The actual significance of the ideological component of social change and security is associated in the work with the use of the regulatory functions of the structural elements of the worldview in “tuning” the safe ratio of progressive and regressive trends in the structure of development processes. These tasks can be successfully solved on the basis of the basic values of the people, accumulated by its cultural and genetic code. Challenge, contradictions, the principle of development, cultural and genetic code are ideological factors of the consolidation of knowledge, which are a necessary prerequisite for the formation of an “agenda” to preserve the ability of society to self-development, and, consequently, to achieve security. In developing the subject of the article, the works of A. Toynbee, V. S. Stepin, A. Schweitzer, K. Lorenz, D. Bell, E. M. Babosov were used. Some features of achieving the consolidation and security of society in the Republic of Belarus are revealed.
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