UDC 338.24

  • Shavrov Sergey Alekseyevich – PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department of Production Organization and Real Estate Management. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: sustainable development, ESG strategy, ESG financial implications, ESG factors, business valuation, real estate valuation, ESG rating, digitalization, smart homes.

For citation: Shavrov S. A. ESG strategies and innovations in evaluation, land administration, development monitoring. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2023, no. 1 (268), pp. 16–21. DOI:


The current global trend is the ESG-strategy for the development of corporate ownership. “ESG” is a term that means sustainable development of enterprises, territories, Real Estate objects with the synergy of environmental (E), social (S) factors and corporate governance factor (G). The article discusses the relationship of the ESG-strategy with the value of property, with financial performance, with digital transformation, the relevance of the task of ESG assessment of companies and territories, the task of accounting for ESG-factors in the land cadaster with subsequent use in various purposes. The example considers the practice of following the ESG-strategy in the Republic of Belarus. On this basis, the article proposes recommendations for following and developing the ESG-concept in Belarus. This is a recommendation for the use of ESG-ratings in business valuation using a price multiplier determined by comparing the ESG-rating of the enterprise being assessed with the ESG rating of a peer enterprise; recommendation on the organization of state registration of ESG-factors of “smart houses”, which will allow monitoring the activities of developers, calculation of ESG-ratings of capital buildings to assess their value; recommendation on the nomination “Project with a high ESG-rating in the field of digitalization” in the Republican professional competition “Leaders of the Digital Economy”; moreover a recommendation to carry out research work on the topic “ESG-indicators of smart cities”.


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