UDC 657.2
Keywords: management, fixed and variable costs, calculation methods, production cost, process approach, economy.
For citation: Pshebelskaya L. Yu., Kaplunova E. A. Implementation of the process approach to cost management at chemical industry enterprises. Proceedings of BGTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2023, no. 1 (268), pp. 76–82. DOI:
In modern conditions, there is a need for constant search and development of the most effective and efficient methods of cost management, with the help of which the enterprise could optimize them, analyze the impact of costs on performance results, and also form the price of products.
The methods of planning and cost accounting used in domestic practice do not sufficiently provide the necessary accuracy when calculating the cost of production. The bottleneck in cost management is the distribution of indirect costs in the calculation of final products. The article proposes the use of a process approach, which, according to the authors, best meets the needs of a modern chemical industry enterprise (in particular, Grodno Azot JSC). A feature of the production of most products of the chemical complex is multi-stage, and the traditional methods of cost accounting are absorption, operation costing.
The article considers the stages of implementation of the process approach to cost management in the production of caprolactam in JSC “Grodno Azot”. The ability to produce caprolactam in the JSC depends on minimizing the cost of this product, because any fluctuation of factors can lead to the fact that caprolactam and products of its processing will be uncompetitive. The proposed approach to cost management will reduce current costs, maintain the pace of sustainable development of the enterprise.
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