UDC 005.922.52:004.01
Keywords: valuable documents, special printed materials, protective equipment, technical controls, security levels, protective complex.
For citation: Grudo S. K., Koren’kova A. А. Determining the security levels of valuable documents. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 41–45. DOI:
The levels of security of documents are determined depending on the means of protection used. The article discusses the technical means of controlling the authenticity of securities and documents traded in the Republic of Belarus. The need to protect documents from falsification arose simultaneously with their appearance and remains relevant to the present time. In addition, the development of digital technology and printing technologies poses new challenges for specialists to create complexes that ensure the protection of special and valuable documents.
Hundreds of millions of various types of documents are being processed on the territory of the state. In this regard, it is in the interests of securities holders and banks to detect forgery in time and eliminate falsified documents and banknotes from circulation in order to avoid material damage, and in some cases political damage to the state authorities. Timely and mass control of the circulation of all types of protected documents can be ensured only with the use of appropriate technical means.
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