UDC 655.531
Keywords: office paper, surface roughness, fractal dimension, paper microstructure, fractal theory.
For citation: Zilbergleit М. А., Marchenko I. V., Novoselskaya О. A. Analysis of internal structure of office papers. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 14–19. DOI:
The article is devoted to an experimental study of the internal structure of office boo magicians. The microheterogenic structure of paper is the most important characteristic in the production of printed prints. The overly developed microgeometry of the paper (porous and rough) perceives a larger amount of paint, which affects the quality of the prints. To describe the structure of various objects, including porous media, along with well-known methods, a fractal dimension index is used.
For fractal analysis of the test samples, micrographs of the paper section in transmitted light were obtained and converted into digital format. Based on them, the values of the fractal dimension of the papers under study were calculated using the box-counting calculation method. Based on the results of analysis of four types of office papers with a weight of 80 g/m2 and a A4 format belonging to different classes, it was established that according to the fractal dimension indicator, the studied materials are ranked as follows: Snow Maiden > Navigator > Elite > IQ. It was concluded that this research method can be used to describe the structure of office papers, as well as to use paper as an assessment of the heterogeneity of the lumen.
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